Monthly Archives: September 2012

Horcón in pictures

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Just after getting back from our Dieciocho celebrations I didn’t feel ready to be back in the city. No-one else was back yet so why should I be? So I asked all 800 of my very close Facebook friends if they felt like joining me to the fishing village of Horcon. And one did. She has a grandfather who rents houses there. We would obviously stay for free.

My Dieciocho: Chile’s Independence Day

202 years ago Chile received its independence from the Spanish. The 18th of September 1810 to be exact. For this reason, the 18th of September and the days that surround it (Dieciocho) have become a rather popular celebration. It’s an occasion that I could compare to the excitement surrounding Christmas, or perhaps Thanksgiving or even Halloween, depending on which holiday you anticipate most. Continue reading

My Dieciocho

202 years ago Chile received its independence from the Spanish. The 18th of September 1810 to be exact. For this reason, the 18th of September and the days that surround it (Dieciocho) have become a rather popular celebration. It’s an occasion that I could compare to the excitement surrounding Christmas, or perhaps Thanksgiving or even Halloween, depending on which holiday you anticipate most. Continue reading

Cajon del Maipo

Its always difficult to get people to do what you want to do. Well, not always but definitely when its counts or when you want to do it really badly. Often when iv wanted to get out of the city my suggestions have fallen on deaf or uninterested ears. Victim (pronounced vic-team, private joke). So sometimes when an opportunity arises to head out you do it for 2 reasons, 1) because you want to and 2) because you know what it feels like to organise a doomed-to-fail excursion. This time people were heading to Cajon del Maipo, only one hour to the south-ish of Santiago. A place, as I previously mentioned, attempted to go but would have had to rent a crowd. It was to be a Saturday to Sunday trip and of course it was planned for the morning after a night of debauchery. Continue reading